Birds of New York-Fuertes
From Birds of New York by Louis Agassiz Fuertes, (1874-1927). Additional information in “About the artist” section.

Beautiful old litho. Common name of this plant is Madrone, well known in California. Couldn’t find any reference to artist or exact age.

Nice color litho from Horto Van Houtteano.
Additional information on prints under “About the Artist” section.

Horto-Nanodes Medusae
Nice color litho from Horto Van Houtteano.
Additional information on prints under “About the Artist” section.

Horto-Zamia Skinneri
Nice color litho from Horto Van Houtteano.
Additional information on prints under “About the Artist” section.

Humming bird Hawk moth Plate 12
From “The Naturalist’s Library” by Sir William Jardine, 1843. Engraved by William Lazars. Colors a bit muted and paper is a bit tanned but plates in good shape for their age.

Herald Moth Plate 24
From “The Naturalist’s Library” by Sir William Jardine, 1843. Engraved by William Lazars. Colors a bit muted and paper is a bit tanned but plates in good shape for their age.

Gooseberry Moth Plate 28
From “The Naturalist’s Library” by Sir William Jardine, 1843. Engraved by William Lazars. Colors a bit muted and paper is a bit tanned but plates in good shape for their age.

Eyed Hawk-moth Plate 3
From “The Naturalist’s Library” by Sir William Jardine, 1843. Engraved by William Lazars. Colors a bit muted and paper is a bit tanned but plates in good shape for their age.

Beautiful China-mark Plate 29
From “The Naturalist’s Library” by Sir William Jardine, 1843. Engraved by William Lazars. Colors a bit muted and paper is a bit tanned but plates in good shape for their age.